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Tribes: Vengeance
Posted on Saturday, October 09 @ 01:15:37 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsAre you ready for a complete shit game praised by other review sites because they got it for free? Are you ready for a completley dumbed-down version of tribes for stupid cunts? THEN GET READY, you too can become retarded by playing TRIBES:Vengeance.

Graphics: Ok, so this is the greatest part of the game... the graphics. They look nice all the models are well detailed and the enviornments all look nice. Everything has a glowing, bright colored look to it which isn't bad. Theres no doubt that the graphics are good looking but that doesnt matter because graphics dont make a game. Infact the enviornments are the most bland piece of shit i have ever seen. LOOK A BASE AND THEN SOME DIRT AND THEN ANOTHER BASE WITH A DIFFERENT COLOR! Forget adding any enviornment! Lets add the same stupid piece of shit. Alteast the single player has detailed maps with nice lighting but since when is Tribes single player? The guy who the princess was going to marry looked like a fucking goofy ass with a huge nose. Retarded.

Sound: The voice acting is nothing but average and the multiplayer voices are just as boring. You can either sound like a transvestite who smokes 3 packs a day, or a man who just got his balls removed and decided to suck on them because he is a fucking faggot. The sounds are nothinf speical either, they arent bad though, just nothing that stands out atleast. The chaingun doesn't sound so pussy atleast for once.

Gameplay: First lets talk about multiplayer. YOU WANT GAMEPLAY LIKE TRIBES? Well you wont fucking find it here. Those who've played it will know... First of all the fucking classes all hold the same amount weapons and the only get one fucking extra gun. Light class gets the sniper and heavy gets the mortar OOOO WOW THATS IT. Also remember the many packs you could choose from? NOW THERE IS ONLY 4! Yes you got it right four shitty completley cunt smacked packs that are stupid. You get REPAIR, SPEED, SHIELD, and ENERGY. Remember before the fucking ammo packs and various cloak packs and shit. Well now you dont have shit because they decided to fucking skimp out on all the fucking cool things that made tribes. The game is a dumbed down version of Tribes, for stupid people so the crap company can make a shit game and get money. Also the grappling hook is nothing special, a retractable rope thing and you have fucking limited, what the hell is that? Also the lame ass dog turd vehicles, you get A STUPID FUCKING FLY BALL! Fear as a shit dropping testicle flies around through your base and spawn camps you! Then you get the tank of awesome, the booster fucking jumps the tank off the ground YES THATS WHAT I WANT A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT TANK TO FLY OFF THE GROUND. The fucking stupid dune buggy, that you can magically spawn from and it some how carries people? Lets not forget there is no vehicle pad and you have to wait like 10000 fucking seconds for another vehicle appear. Oh yes theres only like 8 weapons and they are all terrible. No plasma, no missle launcher. SUCKS BIG FLOPPY BLACK PENIS!

Story: The story is you are some princess dyke who likes cream of some young chick gets kidnapped by some douche bag who is going to shove his dick in you first chance. Then you do some shit and win the game in a bore fest!

Pffffft awful 4/10

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Half-Life 2

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Re: Tribes: Vengence (Score: 1)
by Shn on Sunday, October 10 @ 17:49:31 EDT
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it's strange, all other sites named the game "tribes: vengeance" !

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Re: Tribes: Vengeance (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11 @ 10:05:22 EST
I agree the game was a disappointment. I played tribes 2 a lot and I have also tried tribes just because all the old sags on the chat pages told me how wonderful it was. The programmers listened to these people and obviously traded brains and choice for speed and a nice surface. The game is not even half as fun as tribes 2 and much more limited. You could just play some other shooter like halflife or halo instead, actually halo is more fun than Vengeance. I bought the game and now I feel pissed. It is a mystery how the game could get so high scores at so many review sites. The game is a step backwards in evolution from tribes 2 to a more simple game, it only looks better. It also seems more unbalanced than before and the games usually ends fast. You really miss the rocket launcher when you try shooting down things with the cool looking but pretty worthless rocket pod. The maps seem smaller and it’s just only to rush or be rushed, there is no time for setting a smart defense or lay out a strategy. And also i do not recommend to play the game without a badass graphics card… um actually i do not recomend it at all.

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