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Posted on Wednesday, April 28 @ 14:00:02 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsMan cunt describes this game a lot better than the name of it. What the hell is this shit game? I thought it was supposed to be really violent and fun. Oh wait, its only fun to 10 to 12 year old dipshits who buy consoles and listen to what other people tell them is fun.

Graphics: The graphics in this game sort of blow big ass. First the character models are decent looking with decent skins. Although some of these shit models are blocky as hell. ALL HAIL THE Ps2 POWER TO RENDER SHIT LOW POLY MODELS. Basically one shape describes the graphics in this game, Square. Everything is a big blocky hunt of shit. The levels espically, just square after sqaure, heaven forbid they put a round wall in the game. NO YOU CANT, YOUR PS2 WILL EXPLODE. The skins are somewhat ok looking on all the enviornments except a few occansional ones can suck ass-stained cookie. Why the hell in the graphics in this game remind me of GTA3? OH yeah that was a shit ps2 port also. The only difference is the performance is actually fast in this game, with graphics from a game from 2001. Oh yes and this game is also dark as some grandma's cooter that hasnt seen light in 500 years. Im sick of all these fucking dark ass games. PUT SOME FUCKING LIGHT IN THE GAME. Last who put this grainy fucking feature in the game, i dont want my game to look grainy. Good thing you can turn it off. The graphics in this game are basically poo.

Sound: The sound, eh i guess its alright. The voice acting is all decent too, not the best anyone has ever seen. One thing though is that they all swear, now im all for swearing but this game uses it so fucking stupid. I mean who the hell says "What the fuck is that thing... feed the fucking thing...." and basically says fuck in every single sentence. Oh yeah i know why, because then 12 year olds will think its cool and buy it. If there is music in this game, inform me because it obviously wasnt interesting for me enough to pay attention to it.

Gameplay: This is the only decent park of the game. You can run sneak and use a variety of weapons and tactics to sneak up and people, and then kill them. Such as choking them with a plastic bag or stabbing them with a glass shard. Or you could just run out and beat them with a baseball bat or shoot them with a shotgun. The sneaking is alright although this game is repetitive. THATS ALL YOU DO. Go through some stupid fucking boxy levels and kill people. THE END. It gets boring after awhile. But it can be fun for awhile. And when you choke a guy with a plastic bag, how does the stupid fucking just not rip it. Its a thin sheet of plastic not fucking tungstun steal. Also it does some camera bullshit make it look like you are seeing thorugh a camera when you do that attack. Last the physics in this game are retarded . You can move certain things and they sort of react realisticly, but then you walk into a chair and it doesnt even fucking move at all. What the hell....

Story: You are this gay guy named Cash who takes it up the ass. Anyways this guy named Starkweather is using your ass for entertainment then he wants to kill you. But then you come after him and you kill him. WOW WHY DOES THIS REMIND ME OF GTA3? Way to be creative Rockstar, you fucking penis suckers. Also atleast GTA3 was fun.

The game is ok at gameplay but everything else is kind of shitty 5.5/10

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Re: Manhunt (Score: 1)
by Grumpy_Boy on Wednesday, June 09 @ 20:12:36 EDT
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Your right basicly The kill sequences were quite funny at first but it got boring very quickly and only get 3 per weapon.

It just proves that mindless violence alone does'nt always work expect for kids and nancys who do not go out after six at night and think wrestlings real.

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